So much for cutting down on yarn purchases and trying to use up some stash. But who can resist kits on clearance for $5 a pop. Especially when they contain these:

I plan on making the pillow for my bed (the colorway in the bag is more purpley than the pink one pictured) and the bag for fun (colorway in bag is a little diff here as well).
The store also had 50g balls of Australian wool (perfect for felting) for $1.50 a pop! What's cheaper than that? Kits for $5 which include more than 4 skeins each! See:

Yup, 17 skeins for $15... wahoo!
And finally, some other cheapie yarn I managed to pick up. The yellow is for the cottony wrap/afghan and the other is just because it was super cheap. It's more of the Caron Shadows and I picked up the only 3 skeins they had in Pearl Frost cause it was only $1.50 a skein. They had another color this cheap as well, but it was the horrid hot pink one. I passed on it.
The needles were also a new addition, to keep at the boy's for when my fingers get the urge. I bought a set of like 4 or 5. And that whole haul was only $40! Not bad, I think. Actually... pretty effing good.
Off tomorrow so I should have fun stuff to show soon!

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