Tifffany's Ramblings

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I am working hard to get things knocked off my "in progress" list. Everything has been on there waaaay too long. I sewed the lining for the stocking and for the blue bag, which is currently drying. I am working hard to finish my opal socks and am on the home stretch (the foot) of the 2nd one. I finished starching all the xmas ornaments and took pics, but they are not loaded onto my pc yet. Perhaps tomorrow. Still working on finishing up the other items on my list... hopefully I will have them done this weekend or before Wednesday when I go on vacation! Not really going anywhere but taking 4 days off work for my man's birthday for a total of 6 days off! Woohoo. I think I am gonna whisk him off to the horse racing track and to dinner, so that will be fun. Pics soon!


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