Tifffany's Ramblings

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Red Scarf Project

My scarves are all packed up and ready to be shipped. I had several premade, but here are a few I made specially for the drive.

First up, altho this scarf might look pink it's because I had to shoot it in low light to get the texture and then macro retouch it. It's based off the irish hiking scarf, but I switched one of the cables and made it a bit smaller. I doubled up on the yarn and used a larger needle, and voila:

Next is what you get when you have 2 balls of woolease and a crochet hook:

I realize this isn't red, but they said any gender neutral colors will do. So armed with some homespun I had in stash and leftover... I made this:

Finally, a crocheted scarf I worked up with some orange yarn. It's kind of close to red:

That's all for now. Hopefully I'll have a new pair of completed socks soon!


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