Tifffany's Ramblings

Sunday, July 13, 2008

So I said I was going to post weekly and then just totally fell off that wagon. I do have excuses, I have been busy. Like who hasn't, tho?

After our trip to Niagara Falls (which was great), I found out they were thinking about hiring someone down in our Tampa office. Someone on the inside knew I'd be interested, and threw my name in the ring. So now I am heading to Tampa in a week for my final interview. But it doesn't really seem like anyone else is interested. And even if someone was, I'd have a really good shot. The hiring manager already told me that "if" I get hired they will pay for my relocation, so we are getting prepared (mentally and otherwise) for a big move! I've been working in my Xmas sweatshop to try to get things made before I possibly go... wrapped and ready to be stored at my mom's. Since we have several trips already planned we wouldn't have time to come up for Xmas, so trying to get that squared away. Also, I booked an overnighter for Xmas Eve at Disney. We figured if we can't spend the holiday with our family then we may as well spend it with our friends.

Oh yeah and I started running. Not that fast or far, but I started week 3 of the Couch to 5k challenge today. Matt has been joining me but had to beg off today cause he's injured his ankle. That's all for now!


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