OK, so I have no idea what happened to the coloring on this, but I have an pumpkin on an orange piece of paper I need to decorate for work. The best on our team gets a prize. Any ideas? I have a few, but would welcome more...
In other news, I have some FO's. I've been working on these for awhile to use up some scraps. I had this cottony "thread" from a bathing suit cover up I was making for my mom for a vacation present. She suddenly decided to request a shawl tho, so the surprise coverup got scrapped and the balls I had not opened returned. The ones that were opened, however, eventually turned into these.

(Click to make bigger)
I just single crocheted some rectangles, sewed in a zipper, sewed on some beads, and stitched up the sides - easy and elegant. Unfortunately my digital camera sucks and doesn't capture the beads or the color well, but they still look alright, I think.
I had a big photo shoot this weekend so I have more FO's and such to show soon. Hopefully I can get back into blogging again...