Got several WIP's to show off this week. First up: a bag that is an AFO (almost finished object). I ripped out the shawl and made some granny squares that I was going to use for a scarf... but I didn't think they had the drape for that. So instead I worked them up into a bag, that is just about finished sans lining and handle. Here is one side:

And the other side:

I am probably going to use an old pair of jeans to line it, as I did before. This time I may use the ass of the jeans, so I can have some pockets inside. Not sure, still thinking about it. I also think I am going to make the handle(s) out of jeans... still undecided. I have decided one thing tho, I am going to hold off on finishing projects that require sewing until I have several, then pull out the machine and work them up. I don't have room to leave it out permanently and getting it out requires clearing off my crafting desk which is usually full of cardmaking supplies and/or books.
Another thing I am thinking I may clear off my desk for, though, is my sweater machine. I mentioned to my mom I might make her some golf club covers for xmas, and she was all into the idea. Also thinks I should sell them to people, that I could probably get $10 per. I'll work hers up and see how long they take and if it's worth it. Materials are not really an issue, as I will use red heart for durability.
I also worked on the Opal socks some, that I started forever ago. Here is how far I am on the first one:

I was knitting them on DPN's, but I've never liked that and switched to this circ. I am not a fan of this circ... the join is not so great and the yarn snags. I may look for another one tomorrow, but as for now it beats the DPN's.
Finally, I bought some of the new Caron Simply Soft Shadows yarn while at Michael's looking for yarn for the cottony wrap I am making. I started a multidirectional scarf, but as the color changes are somewhat gradual it wasn't looking how I wanted. So I decided to make the
pattern on the label. Here is what it looks like:

And here is how far I am:

I am making the smaller size, and it says it only requires 3 balls. So far I have 2, and I think that it requiring 3 is BS. I am knitting exactly to gauge and finished the first ball WELL before the end of sleeve 1. the back is the same width as the largest part of the sleeves and practically as long... and then there is all that border. I am going to buy 2 more and knock some rows off this thing. 10 off the sleeves (each) and we'll see how many off the back. 26" across seems A LOT for a small/medium. But we shall see. I love the way the edging flips over at the collar.
I was looking through my mom's closet while she was out (gasp! Sometimes I'm such a kid. Since I don't want to raid the fridge due to dieting I have to do something fun) and found a dress that may work for a wedding I am going to in about a month. It's paisley and really cute. However, it has straps, which may be cold at the end of September. I may be designing a quickie black shrug to wear over it, after I ask if I can wear it, of course *wink*.
And one more bit of news, I got a new tattoo. I took a pic the day of but due to it being slathered in lotion, it came out looking gimpy. I'll re-photo once it's healed (which should be soon!)