A few FO's to report. Last time Matt and I went to Disney we took some of these cinched backpack thingiedoos we got free from a Magee Birthday Party day at Kennywood. We really liked the construction and usefulness of them but they were a wretched neon green and had ads all over. So off we went to Joann lst weekend and picked up some fabric to make new ones. Here is the one I made for Matt with the fabric he picked out:

I am quite happy with how this turned out. I lined the inside with some black apparel lining fabric, so the bag is opaque and all nice and finished inside. It only takes about an hour to sew this up, but it took awhile for me to figure out just how I wanted to do it. In fact, if I was redoing it now I think I would do it a little differently, but I am pretty darn happy with how it came out. I added the eyelets at the bottom and did the straps with my magicord machine with light acrylic yarn from my stash (the red was some stuff I'd gotten cheap from Herrschners).
Here is the one I made for myself:

I love the glittery purple fabric, and I used some light purple baby yarn I had left over for the straps. So of course they have a little bit of shimmer to them. This one is lined also, in light pink apparel lining.
Here is a little baby sweater/jacket I knit. I got this from the "minnies" book, but used 2 different fuzzy fabrics to make it more Coatlike. I used Lion Boucle for the main and some Cha Cha or somesuch for the trim. Here is how it finished up:

I got most of this yarn for a buck or less per ball, deeply clearanced. However, I did run out of the Boucle on the hood and had to buy a ball. I didn't find it at joann's anymore in this color and was worried I would have to order it online at full price plus shipping. But I finally found it at michael's and bought it with a 40% off coupon. I let my boyfriend pick out the buttons, having only shown him the sweater and given him the direction "I need 3 buttons, all on one card, between 3/4 and 1 inch in size." He picked out these coppery ones, and while I wasn't happy with the choice felt I had to go with it since I had told him I would. Well, I love how they look:

That's all for now. I did finish a Seraphina shawl but haven't yet blocked it. My mom has been painting her bedroom t his weekend so extra space is nonexistant. Also she got a Wii so what space we have is occupied by that ;)