I had a big photo shoot today, and I think I am completely caught up photographing my FO's (unless I happen to find some that I forgot). First, I rephotographed the Blueberry Twist socks that are a Xmas present for Vance. Scroll down or click here to see a much better pic. I also photographed the Oblivion Eyemask from Knitty. It still didn't photograph perfectly because it is so dark and my patio is all in shade, but here it is:

I also finished the Kid's Afghan I was working on the other day and photographed that. This picture came out the worst of the bunch because it contains a lot of red and digital cameras tend not to like red. It's not so crazy IRL and will be a Xmas present for my cousin's little girl, who is in first grade now.

Next up, some sewing pics. First, I made a quilted crochet hook case and a quilted circular needle case. I always had my circs hanging on thumbtacks in my bulletin board, but this way I have them all on one thing and I can arrange them according to size, whee. Here they are:

These both match the lining of my Booga Bag AND they match a basket that I tore off the old lining on and added new stuff.
Last but not least, I took the pillows I had in the living room and slipcovered them so they matched each other more. I had 2 from my old dorm days that were a dark blue chenille, 2 from Vance's parents that came with the furniture that were a medium blue with dots and ruffles around the edges, and one that is a Halloween tapestry pillow that I like to take out at the holidays (I've also made a Xmas slipcover for it). So I took an old fleece blanket I had that I didn't want anymore and an additional yard of a lighter blue fleece from wally world, and for $6 I have 5 pillows that all match and are softer and more plump (the 2 layers of fleece really did make a different). Here is the finished product:

They don't all go on the couch, that was just for photography purposes. Well that's all...phew! I'm now working on baby stuff for Xmas out of Woolease Sport...which probably won't be done for awhile. We are planning to go see the new Exorcist movie tonight, so that should be fun.