Back again! Who'd've thunk? In an effort to blog more often, I added blogger as a favorite on my internet explorer bar. We'll see if this actually works.
Since this season is light at work, I took off a few hours early today and came home to enjoy some movies and crafting! I am almost done with my peachy baby blanket and can then start something NEW! Well after I finish the rogue Xmas gift that escaped pre-Xmas finishing. In related news, Kepler was sadly ripped out when I decided it'd been languishing too long and was going to be too big for my tastes anyways. I think I have decided not to make any sweaters for myself for awhile. Dare I say: for 2006? I tend to overestimate my body size and then they don't fit right. Plus, I don't wear sweaters much. I would if I could, but the temperature at work is so random that it makes more sense to dress lightly and bring layers for the fluctuations. Because of this, I think I am going to purge my handmade sweater collection. Some of them may fit my mom, but the ones that don't are up for grabs! These are way too big for me, but I would be happy to give them to someone they might fit! They should comfortable fit someone with a bust size of 44-46", possibly slightly larger. Here they are:
Rosy Outlook
Not so rosy, for me, but I love this sweater! It is made from an acrylic ribbon and is very spongy and soft. And I spent so much time picking out the buttons! It is a light, powdery blue.
Modified Sonnet

Also, not poetry on me. Thisis made from Woolease sport in a purpley color, with some added purple filament for detail. I made this from the
Knitty pattern Sonnet, but then added the crocheted squares and edging to lengthen it and try to bring the neck in/finish off the edges. This sweater has wide shoulders, so be prepared to wear a tank or strapless bra. I LOVE the buttons I bought for this, a flowery nickel. They are slightly heavy but don't cause the sweater to sag or anything. I have half a mind to cut them off, but I won't... unless any interested parties doesn't like them ;) Color is MUCH more accurate in the 2nd photo!
Homespun Sweater Coat
Made out of Lion Brand's Homespun yarn, this coat was once a crocheted coat which was torn out and reknit into a lighter weight knit coat. I am way too short to wear sweaters this long. It's a brown/reddish color called Creole and is super soft. I used simple black buttons to finish this off. I love the huge collar on it!
So there it is... drop me a line if you or someone you know would like one of these. They are free with one stipulation: please please
please wear them. Or have someone wear them. I spent too much time and/or money for them to be languishing in my or anyone else's closet ;)
If you need more measurements or better pics lemme know and I will see what I can do ;) If these are successfully adopted and some/all of the others don't fit my mom, there will be more offerings!