I've gotten surprisingly far on my sweater coat. All that's left is to sew up the side seams on the body, knit the button bands, and sew on buttons (after I buy them). Yay! I shortened the sleeves at least 2 inches and they are right on! It seems that if I make the sleeves on every pattern 2" shorter than called for, I will be good. Plus these ones will stretch slightly when I was them, but they will still be good. I also started some broadripple socks from knitty....hard to tell what they look like yet though cause I am not very far. More later, time for bed!
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Friday, February 27, 2004
Well, I think I've finally got my wrong order from Herrschners sorted out. After waiting a couple of weeks for them to reply to my email, which they didn't, I sent the yarn back. The other day I sent another email and they said they credited my card for the price of the yarn I returned. "Hold on just a minute there..." said I, as I jotted off another quick email demanding reimbursement of the postage I had to pay to return it (hey, it was like $5)...so today I got an email saying they would credit that amount too. I have another order from them I should be getting any day now...and whether or not I will shop with them again will depend on this. Hopefully messing up the order was just a fluke and won't happen again, cause it was a pain in the butt.
In other news...I finally have some downtime and am working on my sweater coat. I should finish the second front piece early today and perhaps the collar and front bands. After this week I will be on spring break...not sure if I will be staying here or going to St Louis (it depends on whether or not Vance can get any days off).
BTW, for those of you who aren't "in the know" yet, the Winter Surprise is up on Knitty...I certainly won't be knitting it.
Thursday, February 26, 2004
According to Cryptographever, my last post contained the secret message "it is not ok"...heh, big secret.
Despite the snow and the fact that every school around me is closed, I will be heading off to classes today. Last night I left school at 11:30...went to bed at 2am after doing some more work...and due to the children outside screaming and throwing snowballs, woke up before 7. Also, I started getting sick the night before last (and didn't sleep well when I was sleeping the last 2 nights due to this), so I'm a real happy camper right now. Can't wait til tonight when my weekend begins and I can curl up into a ball and avoid the world.
Monday, February 23, 2004
By request of Marie, I'll post something...tho I admit it's not much [fun].
I ordered some new yarn (some more Schoeller-Stahl Bermuda) from Herrschners last Thursday. Of course, they've charged up my new order but haven't refunded me yet for the stuff I've sent back...we'll see about that.
This week is going to be quite busy for me, as I have a big problem set due Thursday that I haven't really started on. It's for my class where I have to do the work on the school computers too (instead of buying an expensive program), so that means late nights at schools. I was going to stay tonight but lab ran late and I had a throbbing headache, and everyone knows you can't work very fruitfully with a horrible headache, right? Anyways, I will stay tomorrow night til 8, and Wednesday as long as it takes. Then I've committed Thursday night to working in the ChemE computer lab on my Polymers lab which didn't get done today, fun fun.
As for my research, I've been making a lot of progress. I proved about 9 theorems last week, and this week I've been generalizing them and finding other forms of them, and have gotten some surprising results, yay.
And as for knitting, I am working as much as I can on my sweater jacket. I think it's going to be very looooooong, but that will be nice (I think). I will prolly just button the first few buttons, and maybe not the top one, but still put them all on. So far I have the back and one front side done, and I've crocheted those together. Spring break is the week after next, and I plan to have it done by or during then!
Friday, February 20, 2004

You are bamboo.
Warm, cozy, and thoughtful, you take your time and
enjoy how things feel, smell, and taste. You
love the craft and beauty of traditional
things, and you value the comfort and
experience of knitting as much as the results.
But while you are reveling in your warm cozies,
don't get stuck. Warm is wonderful, but so is
the whole wide world!
What kind of knitting needles are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Finally, the sun came out a little bit and I was able to take some pics. The first pic (the main view) of Sonnet does not show off it's color very well...the second pic is pretty close to the true color. Also, I used Mondial Milleluci at the edges and on the flowers. I'm not sure how well this shows up. Don't miss the cute buttons!

The little squares at the bottom were of course my own addition, as well as the ruffley edging. I just found the finished product to be so boring and short! At first I was going to do a flower on every square, but decided that would be too much. I'm really happy with my decisions. I also made the sleeves 2-3 inches shorter...and after washing this was the perfect length...phew! The only problem now is that the neck is so darn wide that it shows any bra-strap that I will wear. I went shopping for bras with clear straps or no straps, but they are toooooo uncomfortable for me. My current ideas are to just go with a flesh colored bra, find a flesh colored tank top, or find a purple tank top. Any ideas?
I also knitted up a sigma tank (that went fast!) for my mom for her Mother's Day or Bday (which isn't until June). I'm not totally happy with it now, as there are some holes by the edging and such. I have some ideas for it, but I am going to hold off on them and pics until I have made a final decision.
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Sonnet is done! Well, it is washing now and then I just need to attach buttons. I have put off posting until it was done so I can post a pic of it, but there has been no sun for several days so the pic will just have to wait. I expected to have it done yesterday (and as of 2pm yest it was off the needles and sewn up) but due to design decisions it took a lot longer. Besides that, Tuesday I had a test so I was really busy all week. My yarn from One Fine Yarn arrived on Wednesday (I told ya she was fast!). I had ordered a grab bag of Cascade Fixation in anticipation of some socks. I got 6 balls, (3 different colors) of multi for $30.50 including shipping...not bad! On the wrong yarn from Herrschner's note, they haven't yet replied to my email from last Saturday. Grrrrrr.
I got my test back Thursday and did well (a safe A, yay!) and have no homework due in my math classes this week, just a lab report. Also, due to a conference I have Tuesday off (but I do have to make up for it by coming in on Friday). If all goes well (and I doubt it will), Vance will be able to fly in Monday night and we will be able to spend some time together. Problem is, he would have to get someone to cover his shifts and since they are so shorthanded, the people would rather work for overtime than work for someone else...which is just something else to feed my evergrowing dislike of people in general. Well, enough whining for me, I'm off to knit something!
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Not much time to post; I am trying to get out of here early today. Figured I would go in a few hours early and stay a few hours late and maybe, just maybe by the time I get home I won't have to do any more work for the night! Today I have a test but I think I am prepared for it, so I need to go in and get some questions done that I think are due today (gotta love when profs are vague). But anyways, last night I cast off on the first sleeve of Sonnet! I am already 37 rows into the second (I had knit them together up to that point, when I got fed up and took one off the needles), so I should have that one done in a day or so. Then I will sew it, wash it, and get to being creative on it, woowoo. I also ordered some Cascade Fixation variagated to play with from One Fine Yarn and they are FAST with their shipping, so I should have that soon.
Saturday, February 07, 2004
Today I got a giant box of yarn from Herrschners. That should be an exciting thing, right? And it was exciting when I got it, until I opened it and I saw the pukey junk that was inside. 2/3 of my order was correct, but the rest was completely wrong. They sent me a yarn in the wrong maker, wrong color, wrong everything! How unfun. Now I am going to have to deal with getting this returned, I probably won't be able to get my original order since it sold out after I bought it, and I hopefully won't have to pay for the shipping on this. If I do I will be really unhappy...maybe in a month this will all be straightened out.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
I'm wearing Accordian out for the first time today, yippee! I was going to wear it yesterday but I wanted all my girlies in the math dept to see it. My friend's warned me to be ready to be attacked when I wear it cause it is just too cute, teehee, I love my friends. She really wants me to make one for her...ha!
"Darcy was a good friend. You could always tell a good friend by how much they resented you."
Last night I made my boyfriend take the yarn quiz over the phone, and he scored Shetland Wool as well, awwwww. Oh yeah, knitting. I should surely finish up knitting the body on Sonnet tonight....I will be glad to have that huge mass off my needles. And my yarn from Herrschner's should arrive soon, yay!
Currently (and always) obsessing over: Girl and/with Sean Patrick Flannery
"At that moment, I knew that God had to have been a woman because a man like this could not have been created by accident. "
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
I think from now on my normal weekly routine will consist of being at school until 6-8 every MTW...ew. Which means today will be a long one. I'm nearing the end of the body on Sonnet, not much else to say, so I'll leave you with this:

You are Shetland Wool.
You are a traditional sort who can sometimes be a
little on the harsh side. Though you look
delicate you are tough as nails and prone to
intricacies. Despite your acerbic ways you are
widely respected and even revered.
What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, February 01, 2004
I finished Accordian this morning! Yup, I got up early and drove quite a ways to the store, got a new zipper and some other things, and sewed it in. I've taken a new pic and replaced the old one...scroll down or see it here. I used a short zipper compared to what some might use because I hate things up around my neck. It is JUST long enough that I COULD go shirtless under it if I wanted, but I probably won't. I'm really happy with the zipper, it matches exactly and zips up really easily. I sewed it in as best I could. I've decided that zippers in sweaters never lay well (I have a zippered cardigan from Macy's that I love but that has weird bumps in it when it zips up) so I probably won't be making anymore. Not until I forget this fact anyways...so I will stick to pullovers and buttoned cardigans.
Speaking of buttons, there's another thing I got at the store, buttons for Sonnet. I couldn't find anything in purple that matched enough and didn't look cheesy, so I got these brushed nickel ones instead. They have a really pretty floral motif carved into them, and some cutouts so the color will show through. They seem lightweight enough that they won't pull the band down too much, a worry since I'm using sportweight yarn and it's so light. I also got a size 2 circular (finally found one...for socks...yay!) and the winter Vogue Knitting International (is this just the same thing as vogue knitting?). In any case I'm a happy camper.
I stayed up very late working on homework last night, so I have today free to lounge around and knit, and maybe nap since I didn't get very much last night. Eventually, a big orders from Herrschner's will be coming for me (I got enough yarn for 3 sweaters, wow) and I'll be tempted away from Sonnet....hopefully I won't stray off course. Besides that, waiting on the new Survivor All Stars which premieres tonight after the bowl, yays!