Well, this week has been a busy one. I got off audit for the new job role I was trained on (which means my work is no longer checked before it goes out to the world), and I found out I got a raise and a promotion. Also, a guy at work called me pretty (a no-romantic-interest guy). Whew, it was busy! No word yet on how big of a raise cause it has to be approved by a higher authority, but my manager says I will be happy with it. Aaaand it gets backdates to Oct 2, so I will get the extra since then in one check, woo! To celebrate, and cause I'm lazy, I took off Saturday for a nice 3 day weekend.
What did I do? Well, I made some caramel apples. I just used a package of caramels and it was pretty easy. Personally, I don't care for candy coated fruit, but my mom does. So she'll enjoy them. I also carved a pumpkin, cause it's not Halloween without a Jack-o-Lantern. I lose interest in carving pumpkins fast, so I picked an easy one this year. Here he is with the lights on and off:

I should mention that what I have in it in the second picture and what I will have in it tomorrow night is not actually a candle. It's this piece that fits in one's mouth and lights up all different colors and is good for rave parties, etc. However I have an easily triggered gag reflex and it bothered me, so I found another use for it. It flashes the colors pretty rapidly and looks neat with the skull. I painted the skull part white cause I thought with the quickly flashing light it was a bit harder to stay focused enough to tell what the design was. So this way it's obvious, and reflects the light well.
I also worked on some Xmas stuff, pics of it tomorrow if I can get my butt in gear. And other crafty news to report... until another day.