Tifffany's Ramblings

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Well I went through and deleted several of my galleries off the server (Don't worry, I still have them saved on my PC) in order to make room for some more pics. So now I am able to show some FO pics, some new and some not. First we have a hot off the hooks crocheted sweater. This was done in Bernat Bouclé following the instructions on the ball band and was a super quick project. It will be for my mom for Christmas.

Next we have another Christmas gift for my mom, some garter stitch slippers (ugh, why do I always typo garter as farter. Anyone???). She really likes my knit slippers but wears them out fast with the help of the cat (when I put pom poms on he thinks they're his toy and rips them off rather quickly). For these I skipped the poms.

Next up, another pair of slippers, but this pair is for my dad. I did these quickly in some acrylic. They'll be for his birthday.

Last but not least, my pink socks. I really love socks ribbed all the way down, like these, cause they hug my foot and fit perfect. I am so not a fan of loose socks. I used woolease, and I think these could have been worked up out of one ball. I can't say for sure tho since I had started with a little more than a ball and my postal scale has gone wacky (it weighs a skein of woolease as almost 1.5 pounds).

Well hopefully that colorful post with several pics makes up for me being boring lately. I have one set of wine charms done so I could have photographed that but I am going to save it for another day. Now, it's back to reading A Fascinating Country in the World of Computing. It's not that fascinating...really.

Monday, June 28, 2004

Well, I am officially deleting another site from my blogroll. Can you tell which? Yup, it's blackdog. In the beginning I felt like I got something useful out of reading this but it's become a bit too catalogue-ish for me and I'd been debating leaving it for awhile. Plus, I never plan to order anything from them because (a) I don't like the idea of emailing in my order and wondering if they got it or if someone else got their item before me and (b) I've heard mixed reviews about them. Maybe someday in the future when everything is running more smoothly (although by then I will hopefully have my own LYS). And then there was the post about it feeling too catalogue-ish and how it was planning to change, but it didn't. Sooo it's goodbye to that and in the meantime I really need to find some more interesting sites to keep me entertained. If anyone knows of a site I don't that has funny/interesting text, nice pics, and a writer who isn't too dumb or full of themself, then let me know. I tried surfing the Knitblog ring but the site after me doesn't appear to have the ringlink on it (grrrrrr) and so that idea died fast. And plus I end up seeing the same sites all the time.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Just a quick post with no pics (yet). It's been dark and I haven't taken pics yet of my new FO's, but I did finish the socks last night. They are mighty comfy and mighty pink too, I like them a lot. I did the kitchener a little loose on the second one but i was able to tighten it up enough that I didn't have to redo it. I started 2 new crocheted projects, an afghan done in pieces and a sweater, both Christmas presents. But I only worked on them a little each today until the book I have been reading cast its spell on me and took up the rest of my free time. And of course i feel guilty that I didn't use this time to craft. Does anyone else have this problem?

Tomorrow it's time to make some phone calls and see what I can do about my situation...sigh...but I'll deal with that when I come to it. I also need to get my car fixed sometime soon, the window has been broken for over a month now and for some reason or other I haven't gotten it fixed. The car is still under warranty and the window should not have broken so early (power window) but it did and now I have that to deal with as well.

Friday, June 25, 2004

Well I've been working, but when I haven't I've been unravelling the sweater I was knitting (it was torture to knit on) and then knitting some slippers. Those are done and will be a xmas present and they leave me with some more scraps for the scrapghan, yay. Now I am making some quickie socks in Woolease (only 48 st per round, yay) and am already halfway through the gusset. Not much else to report except HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUY (my stepfather).

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

I managed to take a pic of the Homespun afghan today. Here she is:

I ended up using a different pattern and an N hook, so it wasn't as quick as I'd originally thought it would be. It was still pretty quick tho (obviously, since I started it Friday).

Did anyone see 'Who Wants to Marry my Dad?' last night? If not, then you didn't miss anything. But if you did, one of the chicks was knitting a fuzzy monstrosity, hehehe.

Now, back to work for me...

Monday, June 21, 2004

The good, the bad, and the ugly...

Ugh, what a hellish day. Today I found out that the deadline to submit theses to the graduate office is July 12. Why didn't anyone tell me it was 2 weeks early? There is not way I can meet this since I have to defend it before I turn it in and my advisor will be out of the country (oh yeah, and it's not finished yet either). UGHHHHH. I think I am going to have to finish it then come back in August to defend it. I have no idea what that means for me in terms of graduation or in terms of $ either (if I have to sign up as a student again it could cost me $500). sigh

In other news, I am still a little bit sick, a bit of sniffling and coughing, and once in awhile a cough I can't quite control. I may have to trek back downtown tomorrow in order to talk to someone about all my problems, ugh.

But there was some good stuff today. For one, I finished the afghan I'd started. It was a quickie, and there was a storm tonight so I had to turn the computer off for a bit (so I didn't lose all my work) and hence I had no way to work on my thesis which I am panicky about. Fun fun. But I did get to watch some of the new movies I bought last night. I got Cheaper by the Dozen (boring, and I probably won't watch it again), Elephant (kind of boring, but kind of good. Leads very slowly up to a good ending), A Mighty Wind(HILARIOUS! I should have gotten this on DVD instead of VHS, I will watch this many times!), and Big Fish(I haven't watched this one yet). I bought all that for $30 used at Hollywood video. 3 DVDs and 1 VHS. Tomorrow I need to go get a birthday gift for my stepfather and possibly buy Secret Window.

Also tonight my cousin who is expecting called cause she got my package. And she was very excited and happy about it. Awwwwwwwww. :)

Friday, June 18, 2004


that's how many crocheted yo-yo's I finished before I ran out of acrylic scraps. Total number that I need for the afghan is 900+. Looks like I'm going to need to generate some more scraps. The quickie projects I've been making have served just that purpose. I could also buy a few small skeins I suppose, but that kinda defeats the purpose.

I've also started on an afghan out of some homespun i have for my aunt for her birthday (in November). I'm working it double stranded on a q-hook, so it should be a quickie. Not sure I have enough yarn for it now, so may have to get some more. I'm trying to avoid buying yarn lately tho (and doing a damn good job, if I say so myself) excepting for when I need more yarn for a project I already have in mind and have some of the yarn for.

I'm still sick. I went to bed exceedingly early last night. Hopefully I will have this thing licked before Monday. It's hard to do my work when my head is so fuzzy.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Yesterday was absolutely horrid. I came home early because I was so damn cold I couldn't stand it and I was falling asleep on my feet. After sleeping for about 2 hours I took my temperature and it was up to 101. I stayed bundled up under a thick blanket with the AC turned off (in Hotlanta) and was still freezing. Eventually my fever broke and I was as hot as hot could be, but today I am feeling quite a bit better. Usually when I get sick, it hits hard and fast. Rather than drag it out for a week or so with waves of different problems, I get everything all at once. I'm still not well, but my head is a lot clearer and my temperature is normal, so I should be able to get some work done today (as I did nothing yesterday...and I mean N-O-T-H-I-N-G).

This morning I sewed the buttons onto my Rosey Outlook sweater which has been languishing for awhile. I had been waiting on yarn to finish it and I finally got it and finished the edging on Saturday. Here she is:

The pic is not great, but sweaters are like impossible to photograph. I think I like it, tho it's hard to tell cause it's too hot to try it on for very long. I really need to invest in some under cardigan shirts, since I've been making so many cardigans lately.

I also made another crocheted bag, with some scraps I had, a few days ago. Here she is:

That's about all. I am going to try and get some serious work done today...starting in a little while. I still need to get my energy up a little bit more.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Last night I dreamt I was sick and when I woke up I was. NOT FUN! I did finish a layette set last night that I made with some funky mystery green yarn and some random bits of white yarns.

I am almost done with my sweater, just need to sew on buttons. Haven't much felt like doing that tho. And have started writing my thesis. But bleeeeh, I feel horrible so I am off to shower and rest.

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Thanks to all for the birthday and other wishes :) Vance and I had a nice time in Washington DC. We saw lots of monuments and the funeral procession. We made it back Thursday (had a bit of a scare with a cancelled flight; thought we might not make it on) and then friday we saw Harry Potter 3. It was pretty good, but because of the length of the book, most of the "fun" stuff was left out. It was really just the basic story, with some things out of order. There were lots of little things missing and a few things added in to make up for the subtle hints the missing parts removed. Oh well.

Here are a few things I made before I left...little booklets I made with handmade paper and other adornments.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Happy birthday to my mom! I'm busy packing cause Vance didn't make it in today so about an hour ago we decided to fly to DC tomorrow morning and stay a couple of days. Yay for spontaneity on my bday :)

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Just a quick post to show off what I've been up to. I made some room by deleting some old WIP photos...so some archives of my blog may have broken pics...but I doubt anyone would notice that. Anyways, I've whipped up a couple more scarves since my post yesterday. (Actually, by 2pm today I had them both done plus I finished a book I was only halfway through yesterday. Can we say insomnia?)

Here are both scarves...a simple ripple stitch that I had used also on my dishclothes.

I really like the way these came out (which is why I made more than one), and I will probably be using this little stitch in the future to make more. It also used up some stash yarn I didn't really care to keep. I didn't really like the multi's much in the skeins (I'm really a solid colored or stripe kinda gal), but when I held them with a solid they look so much better.

That's about all, since I'm not feeling well. I have some more stuff but it will have to wait, as light is fleeting. Tomorrow is my momma's bday and she finally gets her pressies, so I will be looking forward to that. And tomorrow my Vance is coming to visit for several days, yay for me! Tuesday is my Bday and Saturday is our anniversary, so don't expect much for awhile :)

Saturday, June 05, 2004

A bunch more projects to show. First off another towel with with crocheted trim. I had taken pics of this the other day but they didn't come out, so here they are.

And a detail shot of the trim, or at least as good of one as I could get.

Now onto new projects. I finally finished the washcloths to go with the hanging towels I made, and here are the results.

And last but not least, I experimented with a different construction method for crocheted boas.

In other news, I've filled up my 10 MB of space that Charter gives me, waaaaaah. Not sure what I am going to do, probably take down a couple of galleries and whatnot. sigh.

I've got lots more little projects planned and in the works so there may be more here in a couple of days

Thursday, June 03, 2004

While previously I had been very much on a knitting kick, lately it's been control central around here. Besides all the projects I showed in the last post, I took some more pics that didn't come out and will have to be done with the next photoshoot. Also I've been working on lots of crocheted potholders, intending to buy "Cabana Wraps"...probably tomorrow...to use up some of my large amounts of cotton. I really don't like cotton all that much and am trying to use up some of the larger amounts of it that I have. So anyways, it's been all crochet all the (crafting) time...which is definitely a proper subset of ALL my time (I promise).

I found some cute cocktail stickers for my wine charms, no luck at finding wine ones really. I found some sets that had like one wine bottle each, but I was not willing to buy 12 marriage sets or whatever. These are cute enough and will go nice, I think.

Also I joined the new (I think) Crochet Blogs ring! (see sidebar). Y'all should join too, ya'hear?!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I haven't posted in a few days, but I have been mighty busy (both with school and fun). Here are some of the fruits of my labor. I've been using up some odd yarn for some more stuff for my for sale page, in order to decrease my stash some. First up, a crocheted pink bag with stripes in a multi color. I love the way the multi colors pooled, mmm.

Next, I did some thread crochet and made some bookmarks from some thread I had leftover from previous projects.

Also, a set of bathroom towels with a crocheted and ribbon trim.

And a closeup of the trim...

And last, but not least, some more knitting cards.

I've also been working on some more kitchen sets, including hanging towels with crocheted toppers that I designed. Also I am planning some more card sets (chocolate theme...oh eating the chocolate to get the wrappers is such a tough job, but someone's gotta do it). I'm also listing the remainder of my undyed wool and koolaid on ebay. Holy stash reduction with all these projects and stuff, tho not nearly enough to justify new purchases.

Next week is a very special week, so I have to do double work this week so I can relax some next week. Actually, it's a doubly special week. :) Ok, triply special. Monday is my mom's birthday (I still need to mail her present), Tuesday is my (24th, ack) birthday, and Saturday is me and my boyfriend's 6th (6 years) anniversary. It should be a fun week.

BTW if you're bored and want to try something new, learn to ghost whistle through a tutorial a buddy of mine wrote. Hopefully he will add a .wav soon.